Learn about the best quality and healthy foods required by dogs for a better living. There are various ingredients that should be constituted in a dog’s best food. Avoid buying dog foods which contain harmful ingredients that are not healthy for dogs. Always check the ingredients used in manufacturing the dog’s food before purchasing it.

Learn about the wrong ingredients that can be used in making dog’s food so that you can choose the best food for your dog. Corrupt elements in a dog’s food cause health issues to the dog which will lead you to incur extra costs for treating the dog.

Avoid foods with unspecified proteins like corn, wheat, and soy. Also, avoid products manufactured from China and rendering plants. Do not include onions, avocados, and garlic in your dog’s diet. Proteins such as beef, chicken, liver, and fish are suitable for a dog. Best dog food should also include certified organics and vitamins C &E.

There are various species of dogs which require different types of foods and nutrients. To know the kind of breed of your dog before purchasing its food. Purchase foods that are needed for the species for complete and balanced nutrition.

Best food of a dog is also determined by the age and stage of the dog and even its health. Veterinary doctor helps you find out the best food for your dog. When a dog has some health issues, it will need food with specific supplements to improve its health. Dogs also have different types of foods that they eat after reaching a different stage in their life. They require different kinds of supplements in their body as they grow up for balancing their nutrients and healthy living. Best dog food should also have supplements that ease the digestion process in a dog.

The Benefits Of A Raw Pet Food Diet

Several pet owners are slowly realizing the fact that raw pet food can be a healthy food options for their pets and also delicious at the same time. But quite a few dog owners are still not certain about letting their pet feed on fruits, raw meats, vegetables and bones, especially after having made their dogs accustomed to processed and packaged pet foods. In this article, we present to you views of certain experts on raw pet food's advantages and disadvantages.

What are the origins of a raw pet food diet?

A diet of bones and raw food - known by the acronym BARF - was originally only fed to racing greyhounds until a vet, Ian Billinghurst suggested in the 1930s that the diet would be suitable for any dog. It's also been pointed out that BARF can just as appropriately stand for biologically appropriate raw food.

What made people believe that pets would have benefited from such a diet?

According to Billinghurst, dogs would grow healthily if they were given a diet that had its origins in the time when dogs had only a particular type of food to eat and no true alternatives. He added that a dog would remain truly healthy in case the pet had a diet comprising vegetables, fruits and raw meat. Dogs that depended on the everyday, more common, domesticated diet would simply won't be as healthy.

Why Is A Raw Pet Food Diet Controversial

Every diet has its pros and cons, whether it's one devised for animals or for humans. Experts seem to be somewhat divided on the subject; some maintain that an animal will be happier and healthier if they have a diet of conventional packaged food, while others suggest that the only really healthy way to feed a dog is with the raw pet food diet.

• A shinier and healthier skin and coat
• Teeth are cleaner and healthier looking
• Increased energy levels
• Healthy and quick bowel movements

If you want your dog to have cleaner and better-looking teeth, skin and coat, as well as shorter bowel movements and more energy, then consider putting them on a raw diet.

The Cons

• Bacteria may be present in raw meat
• Over an extended time period, an unbalanced diet may cause harm to your dog
• An unbalanced diet could harm your dog, over a long period of time

If any of those disadvantages are too much for you to handle, then don't consider putting them on the diet.

The All natural dog food diet isn't necessarily the best solution for every dog, and as a dog owner, it's up to you to consider the pros and cons, do your research and make the best possible choice.